Frequently Asked Questions

  • Physical Therapists are movement experts that manage patients of varying ages and conditions through conservative treatment options. They are extensively trained to improve function and quality of life through prescribed exercises, hands-on care, and patient education. It is currently required for physical therapists to receive a Doctorate in Physical Therapy and spend approximately 7 years in postsecondary education.

  • PhysioLogic accepts most major medical insurances. In addition, we offer various cash-based options to help meet the needs of our patients. Call today to verify your benefits!

  • Yes! PhysioLogic offers several cashed-based options to help meet the needs of our uninsured patients. Call today for a quick quote!

  • The short answer is that it depends on your insurance. However, most insurances do cover physical therapy services for patients that have a decline in function or quality of life due to pain, impairments, surgeries, or other medical conditions. Some insurances will even cover preventative physical therapy (or “Prehab”) services. Call today to discuss if your insurance will cover your physical therapy!

  • Not necessarily! You no longer need a referral to receive physical therapy in Texas for an initial evaluation and the first 10 business days of treatment. However, some insurances still require a referral to reimburse for physical therapy services. Call today and talk with our physical therapists for questions regarding a referral!

  • Bring your ID, insurance card, and method of payment so that our patient care coordinator can get you set up in the system.

    Bring important medical records and medication list- your therapist will need to review this in order to provide you with the safest, most effective individualized care possible.

    Eat and sleep well prior to your appointment. During the evaluation you may be asked to perform certain tests and exercises. Having quality sleep and nutrition will give you the needed energy for the visit.

    Write down important questions for your therapist. Oftentimes our patients come in with specific questions or concerns, so it’s important to make sure your PT has the opportunity to address those during your visit.

    Dress comfortably.

  • Fill out new patient information- this includes financial information, health history etc. Aka the boring but incredibly necessary stuff.

    Discuss your story- the most important part! Through understanding you and your story, your PT team is better able to understand your unique needs and how best to serve you.

    Discuss your goals- Whether it is reducing pain, going back to doing the things you love, or recovering from an injury (or all of the above!)- your PT team wants to know your WHY!

    PT evaluation- The evaluation consists of gathering information and performing an exam. This exam may include palpation, strength testing, testing your range or motion and balance, and determining which treatment will be the most effective for your needs.

    Prepare you for success! We take all of the information we’ve gathered during your visit and come up with a plan that is specifically tailored to you, so that you can successfully achieve your goals!

    Initial Treatment - Your physical therapist will provide manual therapy techniques and therapeutic exercises to reduce your pain and improve impairments found during the initial evaluation. You will then receive a home exercise program so you can start to take control of your health and wellness!

  • Each visit will depend on the current needs of the patient, however most treatment sessions will be 45 - 60 minutes.

  • The frequency and duration of your physical therapy plan of care will depend on several factors but the most important factor to us is YOU. Following a thorough initial evaluation, we will set up a plan of care that will best suit your needs.

  • We accept most insurances. The following is a list of health insurance we accept:

    Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Aetna, Medicare, AARP, Medicare Advantage Plans, Tricare, United Health Care, Humana, and Care & Care.