Your physical therapy guide to stay safe in the summer heat

In Texas, Summer time means it’s heating up, and it’s time to prepare to keep yourself safe from the harsh weather. According to the Fort-Worth Telegram, North Texas temperatures have been steady through June averaging around 99 degrees Fahrenheit, give or take, but may start reaching around 100 degrees in July. Our physical therapists at Physiologic have some tips on how to keep safe while exercising or recovering with physical therapy this season. 

Need the great outdoors? Stay in the shade.

When nature calls, we tend to listen, but we have to keep in mind that high temperatures can be detrimental to our health and counter the benefits of exercise when we don’t prepare. If your exercise routine includes walking around the neighborhood, hiking, swimming, or other outdoor activities, remember to stay in shaded areas. Try switching your route to naturally shaded areas with large trees or covered areas. It will keep your body temperature lower than working out under the scorching sun.

Suit up! But with the right clothes for the Summer.

We are far past coat season. Our physical therapists recommend dressing the way you would for a physical therapy session: wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. For the summer heat, try wearing ventilated clothing, like lightweight material or fitness attire. Most of all, if you find yourself under the sun, wear a cap. Adding a sun hat or cap to your outfit can help you create your own shade, protect your skin, and prevent injury.

When in doubt, stay inside.

If it gets too hot, stay inside. Throughout Texas, there have been a number of recorded heat waves, according to National Public Radio. It can be dangerous and even lead to fatality to exercise in scorching weather. Don’t worry! Indoor exercise is just as beneficial to your physical fitness and recovery, and we have plenty of exercises you can do at home. Or you can get a wellness membership and come and workout at Physiologic at our Aledo clinic alongside our physical therapists!

Do not forget the golden rule: STAY HYDRATED.

Always have water near you when working out, whether you are indoors or outdoors. Bring an extra water bottle if you are unsure about how much you’ll need before a workout. When the temperature rises, our bodies perspire more to regulate our body temperature. This means more water loss. The fix? Up your water intake, and always make sure you are staying hydrated.

CAUTION: Signs of overheating

If the heat creeps up on you and you feel unease, STOP exerting energy. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion, or heat cramps, are preventable. Common warning signs of overheating include a high body temperature, nausea, excessive sweating during exercise, muscle pain, spasms, or cramps, passing out, confusion, tiredness, or weakness. For more information, visit the CDC.

About Physiologic Physical Therapy

At Physiologic Physical Therapy, we offer evidence-based, specialized treatment for various physiologic conditions. If you are having recurrent pain, discomfort, or issues with specific body parts, talk to your doctor about seeing a physical therapist. We help guide our patients through their physical therapy journey. Learn more about the services we provide at Physiologic Physical Therapy clinic in Aledo, TX.


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